Get Connected


Each weekend you’ll experience a relevant and practical message that will leave you feeling inspired and challenged to live your life in a bold new way. We apply biblical truths to day-to-day challenges so you feel equipped and encouraged to put them into practice. Join us each weekend and bring the family along with you. 


Have you been checking out CCoF in recent months?  Have you thought to yourself “Could these be my people?”  Are you looking to get connected? Maybe you just have questions about CCoF.  

Join us for NEXT- a casual meet-up once a month and learn what is NEXT for you here at CCoF.  Childcare available!  Bosa Donuts and Coffee are an added bonus! 


Baptism is one of the greatest decisions that a person can make in their life. It’s the best way to outwardly express the inward decision of giving your life to Christ. If you’ve made a commitment to Christ, then baptism is the next step for you.


Living out your faith by serving others is one of the most effective ways you can make an impact. Let us help you find an area that you can use your gifts and talents to share the love of Christ. We have serving opportunities on campus, within our community, and around the globe.


Living life with others by your side is one of the best ways to grow stronger in your faith. Meet with like-minded individuals that are trying to tackle all that life throws our way. We have groups for all ages and life stages; we even have a group for those looking to connect in a Chinese community. These groups will be a place of encouragement and support when you need it most. 


Trusting God with our finances is one of the biggest acts of faith. God asks us to tithe the first 10% of our income back to the local church. If CCoF is your church home, we encourage you to give generously with a happy and open heart knowing that we use your gift to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. 


We all have a story to share about how we came to be a follower of Jesus or about what He is doing in our lives since. The journey that we’ve been on could very well be the thing that helps someone give their life to Christ. Share your story with us and let us know how God is moving in your life. 


At CCoF, there is always something going on to get involved with. From events and groups for the entire family to Community Outreach serving opportunities, there’s something for the whole family.